We love to keep things fresh, and our website is no different! We frequently change graphics and product images on the site, but if you shop our site a lot, your computer browser may be storing older versions of the pages which may cause issues with page loading.
Please follow the instructions below to learn how to clear your cache or history based on the web browser you are using:
- To easily clear the cache on your PC, hold down the CTRL button (bottom left) and F5 (topmost row, 6th from the left) at the same time, and the page will reload without clearing your browser history.
- To clear your Chrome History: On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click More. Click History History. On the left, click Clear browsing data. From the drop-down menu, select how much history you want to delete. Check the boxes for the info you want Chrome to clear, including “browsing history." Click Clear data.
- To clear your Firefox History: Click the Library button , click History and then click Clear Recent History. Select how much history you want to clear: Click the drop-down menu next to Time range to clear to choose how much of your history Firefox will clear.Finally, click the Clear Now button.
- To clear your Internet Explorer history: In Internet Explorer, select the Tools button, point to Safety, and then select Delete browsing history.
- On a Mac: open Safari, choose Safari > Empty Cache from the menu, and click "Empty."
- On a phone: you can clear history from your browser settings.
- If your browser is not listed here or these directions don't match, you can also google how to clear your history on whatever browser and version you are using!
- If you'd prefer not to clear all site history, navigate to the advanced menu, click "edit" and delete www.naturallife.com data. Then reopen your browser and type in our site address - the fresh images will load and display correctly.
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